Pressure Testing (Radon, Mitigation, Differential pressure)


The Vapor Pin® sampling device—A Faster, More Efficient Approach to Radon Mitigation Testing, and sub slab differential pressure testing.

Professionals in the field of radon mitigation attest to 15 to 25% more accurate readings when performing radon pressure testing with the Vapor Pin® sampling device.

Developed and patented by Vapor Pin Enterprises, Inc., the Vapor Pin® sampling device has changed the process of vapor intrusion testing and mitigation in revolutionary ways. Today, environmental consultants, drillers, and mitigation companies are implementing the use of the Vapor Pin® sampling device to quickly, more efficiently perform sub slab differential pressure testing at less cost to the customer.

A leader in soil-gas sample equipment, the Vapor Pin® is unique by design. The Vapor Pin® sampling device was developed and patented to simplify the installation, retrieval, and sampling processes involved in vapor intrusion testing. It accomplishes this based on its small, compact shape, and built-in, disposable seal. Most importantly, the Vapor Pin® is reusable and less prone to leaks, which plays a large role in cost savings.

For a fraction of the cost of traditional soil gas sampling equipment, the Vapor Pin® sampling device effectively supports thorough:

  • Radon sub slab differential sampling (ie., pressure and mitigation testing);
  • Other forms of vapor-intrusion sampling and testing.

For more information on the Vapor Pin® sampling device for the use of radon mitigation testing,
contact us at (614) 526-2040 or purchase yours here.

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